
Med Magic

A passion project inspired by my love for children's health and magic.


Med Magic is a program I started during my M1 year. While in Chicago, I completed three months ofĀ magicĀ school training with Open HeartĀ Magic, a non-profit organization that performs bedsideĀ magicĀ for kids in hospitals. When I moved to Green Bay for medical school, I approached the Childlife team at HSHS Childrenā€™s and told them I wanted to bring a bedsideĀ magic programĀ to the families here.

I am grateful to HSHS Children's for allowing me to be part of their incredible Childlife team as a volunteer. I love entering the hospital each week knowing I will be bringing smiles to patients and their families.

One of my favorite parts of volunteering is visiting patients who have extended hospital stays. I get to know these patients and look forward to checking in each Wednesday to make sure they are practicing theirĀ magic!

The Med Magic organization logo.
The Med Magic organization logo.

I may perform the same trick for 20 different patients, but each time it is completely different depending on how they drive the story. I tell each patient I see ā€” every goodĀ magician is a good storyteller.

Med Magic is funded by the Medical College of Wisconsin Alumni Organization.